Saturday, September 8, 2012

Excerpts of Nuwaubianism

Much of the purpose of Nuwaubian doctrine and practice is to counteract what they call “the spell of Leviathan” or “the spell of Kingu.” In Nuwaubian mythology, Leviathan is a god associated with the Moon, sex, and spirit — also known as Lucifer, Sin, Set, Thoth, Siva, Hermes, Jehovah, Poseidon and the biblical serpent.

Nuwaubians believe that the Spell of Leviathan was cast by the devil thousands of years ago to hypnotize Black people into “spiritual ignorance and racial indifference” through such media as the Bible and certain elements of popular culture.

Leviathan has many aliases:

Sam is short for one of his titles, SamaEl meaning “poison those of EL.” He knows his name. He calls himself Uncle Sam or Dr. Seuss (Zues) with his famous statement, “Sam I Am, I Am Sam.” This is what they teach the children; not ours however, for they will get right knowledge

“ We must realize that when a people is trying to make themselves look bigger than others, they may take the main characters and heroes of a false or true story in religion and/or mythology and build their own story around the heroes and characters, and this means that the story may be greatly changed to suit the purpose of those rewriting it.`

Nubians are said to be only accidentally a “brown” race – they have rusted in Earth’s atmosphere from their original green color because the magnesium in their melanin has been replaced by iron. The original, supreme, “Ether 9 beings” in Nuwaubian mythology were also green because of chlorophyll in their skin.

The Tam’a-hu’s Time Is Over And They Are Falling Out Daily Because They Are Not Sun People. They Are Moon People, And The Moon Cycle Is Over. They Are Dying Of Cancer And Diseases Caused By The Intense Heat And Rays Of The Sun’s Ultraviolet Rays That’s Depleting The Ozone Layer. The Luciferian Which Means “Light Bearer” Is Using His Same Tactic Of Depleting The Ozone Layer On This Planet Like He Did On Rizq

York taught that the Motherplane/NIBIRU would launch the Crystal City or New Jerusalem (see: Book of Revelation 21:2) to our solar system from its position in Orion. A 40-year process of taking the 144,000 Chosen Few (see: Book of Revelation 14:1) — 12,000 each from the Twelve Tribes of Israel — into the Planet Craft NIBIRU began on 12 August 2003 and will end on 12 August, 2043.

Nuwaubian beliefs

Saturn is not really a planet, but a gaseous ball adjacent to the actual planet, Titan, which is erroneously considered to be one of Saturn’s moons. The head and hat of Santa Claus are symbolic representations of Saturn, Titan, and Saturn’s rings

“The Koran called the Holy Qur’aan or the glorious Qur’aan as held in the hands of Muslims today is a product of Jewish scholars and the Catholic Church’s branch of the Jesuit priest under Pope Augustine

The Earth is hollow and contains cities populated by different species of people, such as the Deros, the Teros, the Flugelrods, the Duwanis, the Dunakial, and the Anunnaqi. The legends of the Sumerians, Ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Olmecs, Mayans, Hopi, and Hindus speak of these things (for instance, the story of the river Styx). Many of the chambers of the Egyptian pyramids lead to this subterranean world

Women existed for many generations before they invented men through genetic manipulation

Homo sapiens is the result of cloning experiments that were done on Mars using Homo erectus

The Illuminati have nurtured a child, Satan's son, who was born on 6 June 1966 at the Dakota House on 72nd Street in New York to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis of the Rothschild/Kennedy families. The Pope was present at the birth and performed necromantic ceremonies. The child was raised by former U.S. president Richard Nixon and now lives in Belgium, where it is hooked up bodily to a computer called “The Beast 3M” or “3666.”

The time and space relationship is linked to the human and Earth’s bio-rhythms, and that determines how many dimensions for a world, which in your case is a third-dimension reality, are up for grabs. This is dealing with the extra space we have in our time. Let me explain. The clocks on Earth used to have a “tick” and a “tock.” Now there is only the “tick.” So time has been changed, and that missing “tock” is up for grabs that can be utilized by extraterrestrial beings who overstand this “altered time,” and they can come in and out of this dimension at will

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